Guide for Authors

 Submissions are through the journal's website at .

  2. It is recommended that articles will be arranged in the following order:

  2.1. Title: the title and author’s name(s), which are to appear immediately below the title

  2.2. Abstract: includes topic, theoretical framework, research methodology and conclusion. It should be within 100 to 150 words. Article’s keywords should appear in Farsi at the end of the abstract.

  2.3. Introduction: includes defining the topic, describing the problem and outlining research’s goals

  2.4. Literature review: includes information about topic, theoretical framework, and questions or assumptions set forward for investigation

  2.5. Research Methodology: includes information about methodological approach, definition of concepts, data collection and methods of data analysis.

  2.6. Findings: includes an analysis and interpretation of the findings

  2.7. Summary and Conclusion

  2.8. Notes and Attachments (if necessary)

  2.9. Farsi and English bibliography

  2.10 Authors information: A brief summary of author(s)’ academic background, their full contact information as well as their academic affiliations.

  2.11. English abstract and keyword : its should appear at the end of the article

  3. Making reference and quotation method

  3.1. Reference within the text:

  after quoting the relevant section, directly or indirectly, the following information should appear, respectively, in brackets: last name of the quoted person, publication year, page number.

  Reminder: in case, the work is translated to Farsi, use the year in which it is published in Farsi, otherwise, original publication year should appear.

  3.2. Reference at the end of the article : the list of the references should appear at the end of the article alphabetically, according to the following format:

  3.2.1. Books

  - Authored books: author's last name, first name. (Publication year). Book's title (in italic), place of publication: publication company, edition.

  - Translated books: : author's last name, first name. (Publication year). Book’s title (in italic), translator’s name, place of publication: publication company, edition

  3.2.2. Articles

  Journals: Writer’s last name, first name. (publication year). “Title of the article” title of the magazine (in italic), Period, Number: page numbers of the article, from right to left.

  3.2.3. Internet Sources Writer’s last name, first name. (publication date in the website) Title of the work, Internet website address, (the date at which the website is visited)