Submissions are through the journal's website at .
2. It is recommended that articles will be arranged in the following order:
2.1. Title: the title and author’s name(s), which are to appear immediately below the title
2.2. Abstract: includes topic, theoretical framework, research methodology and conclusion. It should be within 100 to 150 words. Article’s keywords should appear in Farsi at the end of the abstract.
2.3. Introduction: includes defining the topic, describing the problem and outlining research’s goals
2.4. Literature review: includes information about topic, theoretical framework, and questions or assumptions set forward for investigation
2.5. Research Methodology: includes information about methodological approach, definition of concepts, data collection and methods of data analysis.
2.6. Findings: includes an analysis and interpretation of the findings
2.7. Summary and Conclusion
2.8. Notes and Attachments (if necessary)
2.9. Farsi and English bibliography
2.10 . Authors information: A brief summary of author(s)’ academic background, their full contact information as well as their academic affiliations.
2.11. English abstract and keyword : its should appear at the end of the article
3. Making reference and quotation method
3.1. Reference within the text:
after quoting the relevant section, directly or indirectly, the following information should appear, respectively, in brackets: last name of the quoted person, publication year, page number.
Reminder: in case, the work is translated to Farsi, use the year in which it is published in Farsi, otherwise, original publication year should appear.
3.2. Reference at the end of the article : the list of the references should appear at the end of the article alphabetically, according to the following format:
3.2.1. Books
- Authored books: author's last name, first name. (Publication year). Book's title (in italic), place of publication: publication company, edition.
- Translated books: : author's last name, first name. (Publication year). Book’s title (in italic), translator’s name, place of publication: publication company, edition
3.2.2. Articles
Journals: Writer’s last name, first name. (publication year). “Title of the article” title of the magazine (in italic), Period, Number: page numbers of the article, from right to left.
3.2.3. Internet Sources : Writer’s last name, first name. (publication date in the website) Title of the work, Internet website address, (the date at which the website is visited)