The processes of reviewing, acceptance and publication of articles in New Educational Approaches is as follows:
1- The chief editor's opinion (if the paper's file is complete, it is sent to the chief editor in order to determine the level and degree of its fitness with the journal's standards and finally selecting referees (usually 3) for a process of anonymous evaluation.
- If the chief editor's opinion is positive, the paper enters the next stage.
If it is negative, the paper is discussed in the editorial board meeting, and granted that members accept the chief editor's opinion, a rejection letter is issued.
2- Looking through the paper to make sure of the observance of the journal's standards in terms of style and format. (If delivered in the wrong format and does not conform to the journal's policies, the paper will be returned to the sender for completion.)
3- Submission for evaluation; (if the file is complete and in full compliance with the journal's format, the paper will be sent to (usually 3) referees at the same time Reviewing and Evaluating process: Double Blind).
4- Completion the results of the initial evaluation and revisions by the corresponding author.
- If the result is positive with 3 referees, the author gains access to "editing the paper" so that revisions will be made.
- If the result is positive with 2 referees and negative with 1 referee, the author gains access to "editing the paper" so that revisions will be made.
- If the result is negative with 2 referees, the paper is discussed in the editorial board meeting, and granted that members accept the referee's opinion, a rejection letter is issued.
5- Receiving the revised paper and sending it to one of the referees for final evaluation (if the paper is revised and re-submitted according to the journal's policies.)
6- Receiving the result of final evaluation and discuss it in the editorial board meeting for making a decision:
- If revisions are fully accepted and are approved in the final evaluation by the referee, the paper is discussed in the editorial board meeting, and granted that members accept the referee's opinion, an acceptance letter is issued.
- If revisions are partially accepted and are not approved in the final evaluation by the referee, the paper will be sent to the corresponding author for further revisions. Note that this process happens only one time, meaning if the paper is not approved by the referee after the second round, it is recommended in the editorial board meeting for rejection.
7- The paper is put in the publication waiting list (Articles in Press).
8- Publication (All papers, after final preparation and editing, will be sent to the corresponding author for a final review, so if there is a need for change, it will be done. In other words, an approval for the release of the paper is asked from the corresponding author.)
Note: All the correspondence is due to the corresponding author only and other authors will be informed of the process briefly and partially. So it is the responsibility of the corresponding author to be in regular contact with the journal and conform to its requests.
In the name of God
Aims, Guides and Condition of Accepting Papers in NEA
A) Aims and Article Topics
Educational approaches have always been one of the factors in improving quality in educational systems. Since, educational approach is affected by factors such as learner's characteristics, academic level, content and present facilities; it is assumed that efforts must be directed toward selecting best approach or creating one. Considering continuous changes in mentioned factors, the aim of Journal is to publish original research work about new educational approaches. This Journal welcomes multi-disciplinary research papers.
B) Guideline of Manuscript
- Manuscripts should be typed with Zar-13, single column with Microsoft office word 2007 software.
- Article must be double-spaced, with left and right margins of one inch, and arranged with 3 cm margin from up and down.
- Manuscripts must include Persian and English abstracts, introduction and literature review, method, findings, discussion and conclusion, and references.
- Manuscript language is Persian. Terms which do not have Farsi equivalent, original term should be footnoted.
- A cover page should give the title of the manuscript, the author (authors) name, position and institutional affiliation, together with electronic address, based on last edition of Journal. Correspondence author must be designated with an astral.
- Descriptions related to figures should be numbered and placed at the bottom of figures; and for tables, placed at top.
- References must be in alphabetical order and in APA style placed at the end of article consistent with latest edition of New Educational Approaches Journal.
- The manuscripts should be restricted to maximum of 20 pages and abstract to around 150-250 words.
C) Submission of Manuscripts
- Manuscripts submitted for publication should be sent electronically to, in pdf or word text format and then sending article form be completed and registered.
- Manuscripts submitted to New Educational Approaches must be original work and unpublished in no other domestic or foreign Journals.
- Published text presenting author's view points and NEA Journal bear no responsibility regarding views expressed in the paper.
- Manuscript should not be submitted to another Journal simultaneously.
- Editorial Board Members preserve the right to accept, reject, and edit the submitted papers.
- Completion and submitting innovation form and written undertaking is obligatory. To receive this form, go to Journal web site.
D) Publication Process
- Received papers will be reviewed at editorial board, first, for consistency with Journal's aims and guidelines.
- If appropriate, the reviewed unnamed paper will be sent to a preliminary referee.
- If preliminary referee's response was positive, with editorial board confirmation, unnamed paper will be sent for two or three experts.
- Viewpoint of respected experts will be reviewed at Journal's editorial board for decision making.
- Sequence of published manuscripts is no reason for preference of an author or a writer.
- Journal is published electronically. In order to access to published papers, please go to Journal site at: