Conceptual model of factors affecting mathematics literacy based on the perspective of 9th grade students: A qualitative research

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of science, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


This research was conducted to analyze the factors affecting the mathematical literacy of the 9th grade students. The data were collected with a qualitative approach and the use of semi-structured interviews. The research participants were among the 9th grade students of Isfahan city, who were selected using a purposeful approach and criteria-based sampling. In this research, theoretical saturation was achieved with 15 students. The qualitative data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using the process of open, axial and selective coding. To ensure the quality of the research and validation of the findings, several strategies were used such as continuous interaction with the participants as well as assessment, review and verification of the data by experts. Based on the viewpoint of ninth grade students, the identified categories and subcategories were classified into two general categories of external and internal factors. The internal factors including the subcategories of learning mathematics, math study, motivation, metacognition, problem solving skills and beliefs were classified and the subcategories of society, educational environment and family were placed under the external factors affecting the mathematical literacy of the 9th grade students. Finally, as a general finding of the research, the conceptual model of factors affecting students' mathematical literacy was formulated and presented.
